Protocol for identification of species and hybrids within D. longispina complex

by restriction analysis of ITS region

following the method described in: Billiones R., Brehm M., Klee J., and Schwenk K. (2004): Genetic identification of Hyalodaphnia species and interspecific hybrids. Hydrobiologia, 526: 43 – 53.


1) DNA isolation:  use any of your favourite protocol (e.g. using Chelex, proteinase K solution, or their combination) to isolate DNA from a single specimen from field samples, or any number of individuals from a clonal culture.

In case of ephippial females with sexual eggs, it is advisable to remove the eggs from the ephippium (to avoid potential contamination in case the eggs are hybrid).


2) Polymerase Chain Reaction

Gene region:

1500-2000 bp segment consisting of ITS2, 5.8S, ITS1 and a part of 18S


ITS2-5.8S (forward): 5'-GGA AGT AAA AGT CGT AAC AAG G-3'

ITS1-18S (reverse): 5'-CGG TGG TCG ACA CTT CGA CAC GC-3'

Reaction mixture:

volume per sample:    25-35 µl


1x PCR buffer

3 mM MgCl2

0.2 mM of each dNTP

0.3 µM of each primer

1 unit of Taq polymerase

thermocycler program:

initial denaturation  94°C / 30 seconds

5x        [94°C / 30 seconds

 52°C / 30 seconds

 72°C / 1 minute]

35x      [92°C / 1 minute

52°C / 1 minute

 72°C / 1.5 minutes]

final elongation 72°C / 5 minutes

pause at 4-10°C.

3) RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) analysis

                                   Cut the PCR product by the following two restriction enzymes (1 unit enzyme per 10 µl PCR product) – Mwo I and Sau96 I – and incubate for the reaction mixture for two hours at the enzyme-specific optimal temperature (reaction mix composition and the incubation temperature may vary depending on the enzyme manufacturer).

4) RFLP pattern visualisation

Load the whole content or restriction reaction mix on 2% agarose gel, and run agarose electrophoresis (recommended settings: 100 V / 60 min, modify according to your gel size and buffer used). We recommend using 100 bp and 25 bp ladders as size markers.

Evaluate the fragment presence and length, and follow the identification key in EDS.